Lions Clubs International has 5 global causes - In District 22W, we bring those global causes to our local communities. Impacting the world, starts in our own backyard.
Globally "We serve to reduce the prevalence of diabetes and improve quality of life for those diagnosed" Locally What's Happening in District 22-W with the Diabetes Committee
Emmitsburg Lion Dianne Walbrecker and Taylorsville-Winfield Lion Tom Harney are co-chairing the Diabetes Awareness Committee this year. Diabetes affects up to 10.5% of the US population.
Unfortunately, 2.8% of all US adults were undiagnosed; they met the laboratory criteria for diabetes but were not aware of the disease. As a Type 1 diabetic herself since 1968, Dianne knows the potential damaging and deadly impacts of uncontrolled diabetes.
This 22-W Diabetes Awareness Committee is educating clubs in the area about the need for donations to support one of the following Lions Funds:
1} Diabetes Research Fund
2) Diabetes Awareness Fund
3} Camp Merrick Renovation Fund
4) Camp Merrick Child Sponsorship Fund for children to attend camp.
Lion Dianne attended Camp Glyndon when she was first diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at age 12. "It taught me that I was not alone. Camp taught me to learn how to live WITH diabetes. It was an amazing experience that has shaped my approach to my responsibility for my own health care."
Camp Glyndon closed but Lions Camp Merrick has taken on the mission. Resources are needed to rehabilitate the cabins, activity buildings and recreational facilities at Lions Camp Merrick. The camp is owned and operated by the Lions Clubs of District 22-C. It is a beautiful camping facility on 320 acres of land in Nanjemoy (Charles County} Maryland overlooking the scenic Potomac River. Here, children are with other children who have diabetes, just like them.
Clubs throughout 22-W have contributed to some of the Lions Funds mentioned above. Lions Tommy and Dianne are hoping that clubs will find diabetic children in your area that could use the experience at Camp Merrick now that they are back in service. So, please try and support the Fund and find some children in your clubs' area that could use the help.
Please make sure that your checks are made out to District 22W with the Fund you intend to support in the footnote and send to Emmitsburg Lion Dianne Walbrecker, PO Box 1182, Emmitsburg, MD 21727 or to Taylorsville Winfield Lion Tom Harney, 2194 Sams Creek Rd, Westminster, MD 21157. So, we can track what checks are being sent, we will send to Cabinet Treasurer, 15000 Roddy Road, Thurmont, MD 21788.
We are in the process right now of waiting on an approval to send the Jackman Memorial Fund money to Camp Merrick, who has agreed to make a vegetable and flower garden at their facility for the children to use during their camp time. They are going to provide 2 benches and a plaque in Donna Jackman's honor. We are also waiting on what the Chewsville Club wants to be written on the plaque.
Lions Tommy and Dianne can also provide your club with brochures or further information. Just reach out to one of us. Thanks!